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Inom kort lanseras en ny teknologi i Irland som en del av Origin Digitals tjänst “GrassMax”. Denna banbrytande teknologi mäter…

GrassMax Named Overall Winner At Enterprise Ireland Innovation Arena Awards
GrassMax is a ‘world-first technology that helps livestock farmers optimise grass utilisation and nutrient planning with easy-to-use decision support tools…

Irish agritech firms are innovators addressing some of the toughest global challenges in agriculture
Measuring the height of grass from satellites may seem like an insignificant concept to some, but it’s a ground-breaking innovation…

Watching Grass Grow … From Space
Knowing when your fields are an optimal length for grazing is crucial for grassland farmers or ranchers. Satellites may be…

Satellite imaging and AI could merge to aid UK farmers
A new service set for launch in the UK that could revolutionise the way satellite imaging is used in agriculture…

GrassMax named winner of EI Innovation Arena Awards
Dublin-based GrassMax won the overall award in this year’s competition, the prize for Established Innovator of the Year… Share via:…